Room (2024)

The Room is an instrument I programmed that uses loudspeakers and microphones to scan a room for resonant frequencies. These frequencies are then stored and played back into the same room, reproducing standing waves which alter the spatial perception of the venue. Scanning multiple points in the room by placing the loudspeaker and the microphone at different listening positions gibes me the possibility to combine and interpolate between different listening positions, translating multiple perspectives and auditory vanishing points of spatial and spectral accumulations and cancellations. These musical and architectural alterations are superimposed onto the direct perceptions of the space, which creates collapsing counterpoints between the aural and the visual experience of the space.

The reduced version with two independent scanners and resynthesizers. This version collects all the loudest incoming frequencies at once using FFT partial tracking. This is great to capture, synthesize and hold a specific tone color. Or, if timed well, in combination with an impulse in a room to create a reduced momentaneous impulse response.
In contrast to the other Version above, this patch collects the loudest frequencies one at a time. This works well if a loud sine sweep is played into the venue. But I use this also to resythesize and color other sources (for example to resynthesize the stretched church bells in my piece Midair entanglement II). In this version i can control the duration as well as modulation, multiplication and other things for each partial.